Mr Ray Seng’enge(Left),a professional counselor handing over soft drinks and bites to the Head of prisons at the Segerea Prisons(left) right before the counseling session started. In the center is the CEO of TPHF,Mr Lucas Mwimo

On October 1st, 2022, the Tanzania Prisoners Hope Foundation (TPHF), a non-governmental organization (NGO) that works to improve the lives of prisoners in Tanzania, visited Segerea Prison located in Dar es Salaam to provide counselling services to the inmates. The visit was aimed at helping the prisoners cope with the psychological trauma associated with their incarceration and offering them hope for a better future.

The TPHF team arrived early in the morning, and the prison authorities provided them with access to the inmates. Before the counselling sessions began, the team provided breakfast to all the inmates as a gesture of goodwill and a way to start the day off on a positive note.

The counselling sessions were conducted in groups and led by trained counsellors and psychologists. The aim was to create a supportive and safe environment for the inmates to share their experiences, challenges and emotions. The counsellors led discussions on how to cope with stress, anger, and anxiety, as well as offered practical advice on how to maintain mental and emotional wellness during incarceration.

The TPHF team also provided educational materials on various vocational skills that inmates could learn while in prison to prepare them for life after release. The team encouraged the inmates to take advantage of the resources available to them and to work towards a better future.

The visit was a success, and the inmates expressed their gratitude for the support and encouragement they received from the TPHF team. The prison authorities also praised the efforts of the NGO in improving the lives of the inmates and offering them hope for a better future.

In conclusion, the visit by the Tanzania Prisoners Hope Foundation to Segerea Prison was a much-needed intervention in addressing the psychological needs of inmates. The efforts of the NGO in providing counselling services and educational materials are a testament to their commitment to improving the lives of prisoners in Tanzania. It is hoped that more NGOs and individuals will follow in their footsteps and offer support to those who are incarcerated, as they too deserve a chance to lead a better life.

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